RegistrationFEES TO PARTICIPATE The registration is now open * Evidence of studentship or IUPAC member are requested. Post-doctorates are not considered as students. Accompanying Persons have to follow the registration procedure.
Conference registration fee for full delegates and students includes: - Admission to all scientific sessions, book of abstracts and other material, - Welcome Reception on the evening of 5th July, - Coffee breaks and lunches on 6th - 10th July in Bordeaux INP, the place of the Conference. - Conference Banquet held in the "Palais de la Bourse" of Bordeaux on the evening of Thursday 9th July (address: 17 Place de la Bourse, Bordeaux). - Conference Tour on Tuesday 7th July afternoon: to choose between the Medieval Village of Saint-Emilion and the Bay of Arcachon.
Conference registration fee for accompanying persons include the Welcome Reception, the Conference Banquet and the Conference Tour.
REGISTRATION PROCEDURE 1. Possible payment methods are: credit cards (preferred) / bank transfer / order form. 2. Go to registration page (click on the red button below). Once you start the registration you MUST GO TO THE END of the registration process and TO THE PAYMENT. It is impossible to connect again later to complete or to modify your registration data ! Please take all the necessary information (name, address, e-mail, phone number, affiliation, arrival and departure dates (approximately at least), excursion choice, presence or not to the banquet the 9th of July) and credit card (if chosen but easier) with you before starting the registration process. For students only and if wished, the accomodation choice (Village 1 or 3 on campus) is also required. Thank you and good registration !